Read about working with us and explore any open positions


We aim to become a top game development studio in Cornwall UK, known for acting as a hub for developing talent and creative ideas as well as providing excellent development services. We are always looking for passionate, talented developers to join us on our journey. Explore below what it is like working with us, and any open positions we have. 

Transparent by design

Transparency is our number 1. We embed honesty and transparency in our day to day processes in order to cultivate a trusting and open working culture.

Creative Freedom

We encourage creativity in the workplace and value diverse ideas, perspectives and experiences

Support and develop talent

Our greatest asset is our people. We are committed to providing a supportive workplace of continuous learning, curiosity and improvement.

Development Excellence

We strive to prove a high quality development service to our clients that incorporates our company values into our work

We are Human

Being kind and considerate is at our heart. We provide a safe and inclusive working environment where everyone is respected, valued and treated fairly.

Explore the job roles we have available at the studio below!

3D Artist

Game Development – 3D Art – Freelance

We currently don’t have any opportunities available BUT we are always open to hearing from talented developers, so if you have a CV and portfolio, please get in touch and share it with us! You never know!

Get in Touch!

If you have any questions or queries about the open positions within the team, please reach out to us!

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